Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The upward climb

So, things seem to be looking up. Grady's inflammation marker is actually in the single digits which is fantastic. Now, his sodium levels are SKEEwampus! What does this mean? More tests of course. At least they aren't invasive tests like more spinal taps, just lots and lots of blood draws...and lots of fasting, the poor fellow. He couldn't eat last night for 18 hours and I fed him at 8 am this morning before they could tell me to not feed him again for a few more hours. They said only a couple more, but I knew better. I said it would probably end up being 12 hours....well, it will be closer to 24 hours before this little guy can eat again. At least they have him on fluids, but it doesn't stop the tummy growling. For all you out there interested in knowing how awesome Grady is, He is now potty trained at two months. :) They needed a urine sample twice now and both times we got him to pee in a cup! The nurse came in and gave him the ultimatum...she says, "Okay, little man you need to pee in this cup cause if you don't involves tubes in a place you don't want trust me and just pee in the cup" After much dilligence and trying every trick in the book (including sticking his little fist in warm water..which does not work) he finally peed when they put a warm pack on his foot to draw blood. So, the second time they needed pee, out came the warm pack and seconds later the cup was filled and my shirt was sprayed! :) So, the waiting game continues but he is looking more and more like our little Grady. Here are some updated pics.

Check out the monk doo. You would think they would have shaved at least all of the front.

He loved lounging in the tub. Eli was narrating for him so it was hilarious! and his first real bath in weeks. They were able to clean up all of his chin cheese.

His first onesie in weeks instead of nudy. No temperatures in almost 4 days, so now he can wear some clothes. What is that like?

Just chillin out with his feet up!


Tiffany Floyd said...

We are so happy to see him getting better! You guys have a lot of people praying for you here in Rexburg. Your amazing strength is such an example. We'll be praying that everything continues to go well!

Lora said...

Sooooo happy for good news! He's looking so much better and gee whiz I'm so glad! Yes, I just said gee whiz! Can't wait for you guys to get back to normal and boy howdy I'm thankful for that and I'm just the cheerleader!

Cutler Family said...

We are so glad things are looking better for him and you guys! I have been thinking about you so much and we have certainly been keeping you in our prayers. Hope everything continues to go well and that you will get to take your little guy home soon. :)

Travis Gregory said...

Thanks for the pics. He looks fantastic! I miss holding the little guy! Cheers to getting better and no more all night stomach knots!

beck said...

He is going to be one tough little dude after this! WOW! Way to go Grady! I'm so happy to see there are some improvements and I hope it keeps getting better and better. What a little sweetheart, he looks so adorable. Hang in there, kids!

Caryn said...

This is GREAT NEWS!!! Phew - what a relief to hear this. We are so glad that he is making some progress. Thanks for sharing the update.

Aaron and Carolyn said...

SO glad that he seems to be getting better! We pray for him and your whole family daily and hope that thing will continue to look up!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ali etal. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this critical time. Keep the faith. Love Uncle Von in Georgia

Rachael said...

i'm glad to see he's doing better!

cortney said...

I don't know if you know me, but we lived in Grace for five years and recently moved away. My son's basketball team played Grace's team today and I was told about your son's condition.
Our sweet son also had bacterial meningitis while we lived in Grace. He was 16 months at the time, he's 2 1/2 now. He lost his hearing and continues to be in stages of recovery, but overall he is doing well.

I just wanted to let you know that your sweet family is in our thoughts and prayers. Reading your blog brought back a lot of memories---I am confident that your family will be blessed during this trying time.

I don't know why these little ones have to endure so much, but I do know that they are so strong! I continue to be in awe of my son's strength.

Best of wishes for your family, especially that sweet, sweet baby!

Take Care, Cortney Chambers