Monday, January 3, 2011

The update

Well, things are still headed in the right direction. The doc said Grady still isn't out of the woods yet and we saw that when he spiked a fever of almost 104 today. It is discouraging but gee whiz this little guy has been through a lot just in the last two days with his surgery, drastic haircut :( and sedating him to put in a PICC line (which is almost the 10th attempt in his arm and they finally got it :) he looks like a druggie with all the pokes in his poor arms) So, hopefully it is just his body dealing with all this stress and not the alternative cause which would be more fluid, another infection or something unknown which would result in lots more tests. Only time will tell which is the poopy part. Someday this nightmare will be over but for now just more waiting and hoping. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. It is what's keeping us and him going.


Cher said...

Okay, it only took me a few days to find your blog. My sister told me about your sweet babe and I wanted to let you know that I fasted and prayed specifically for little Grady on Sunday. I am still praying that he gets out of the woods fast! Stay strong. Lots of hugs. Cherisse (Smith) Lunt

Cutler Family said...

Hey Hubbards :) I just wanted to let you know that Chris and I read your blog about your little boy and we are keeping him and you guys in our prayers. So sorry that you have to go through this! If there is ever anything else that we can do please let us know.

Travis Gregory said...

It is an emotional rollercoaster we are all here to help in anyway and pray! You guys will get through this and it will make us all stronger! Love you guys!