Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Outing

Today Grady had his first outing! He got to attend church...which is just down the hall and is a half an hour long. He did very well and seemed so glad to get out of the room with the same scenery. Church at Primary Childrens is wonderful. They have a musical number and a speaker. Today he talked about truly trusting in the Lord. I have had a lot feelings about trusting in the Lord lately, as well as pretty much everyone in attendance so there was such a special spirit there. It is easy to ponder on eternal things there and the spirit is so strong. They actually have a branch president over primary children's hospital just in case anyone needs anything at all. He has a counselor and the hospital is even dedicated....All very cool things. Not much else in Grady news. His sodium levels go up and down and nothing seems to be getting them clear up to the 140's like they want. But we get a whole slew of new docs tomorrow since it is shift change pretty much every two weeks. The entire team is passing the torch to a whole new set. Crazy. So we will see what the new plan of action will be. Tonight I had a mini roommate reunion. Kim and Sara, my roommates from college, brought a homecooked roast dinner and chocolate cake. Sara even brought a table cloth. It was so sweet and good to keep our minds occupied with things other than all hospital talk. More random pics for your viewing pleasure.

I thought I would document our first outing to church. He is all ready and excited. Doesn't he look it?

Grady is out like a light, mouth open and the works. Also, take notice of the pj's, "Center of Mommy's universe" I point it out because the tech picked it out and the nurse made sure to let her know over and over how ridiculously cheesy it is and he shouldn't be subjected to wear it. It was quite funny. (and yes a bit cheesy too)

Sucking on the ole fist. It is great to see him doing the little things that are often taken for granted.


Anonymous said...

Hey you!!! I've tried calling but it seems your phone is done-zo. We just got the internet so it's been nice for me to finally read your updates. The pic where you're holding Grady definitely looks more like him than any of the other pics. We're thinking about you guys always and hope you're doing well. It's probably good that your phone doesn't work bc I left a sweet message last week sometime and I was a wreck!! Ha!!!

Travis Gregory said...

Oh my goodness. Little foo doo! I wondered why you had makeup on...hahah. Where did you dry your hair and was it spur of the moment. Can't hardly wait to see you and hold him!!!!! Love you!

Carolyn said...

Velvet! So good to talk to you on Sunday! You sounded awesome considering everything you've gone through! You are one strong woman! I'm so happy things keep looking better. Good luck with everything. Thanks for posting all of the info on your blog!