Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just keep swimming

Axel's first experience with a public pool. We all took a drive to Green Canyon for some indoor swimming. If you've never been, I'm not going to lie it feels like swimming inside a giant locker room. But it was a nice fix for our winter time blues. We've had three days of spring and then back to snow...what is that all about. Axel loved the water. In the picture with Eli holding him, the look on his face is "all business " and he maintained that look almost the whole time, that is until he figured out he could lap up the water. So, towards the end he stuck his tongue clear out...he puts KISS to shame. :) The second we put him in the floatie, he would almost capsize over the side because he just wanted to reach the water to constantly slap it. We all had a blast.

If you look really hard in this picture you can see Axel's two bottom teeth. They look like just a couple of glares, but he has proved to mom and dad on several occasions that they are there...and they are sharp as can be.


Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun! Next time we want to join you!

Katie said...

First of all, I'm stoked that you finally made a new post!! I thought I'd die before that ever happened again. j/k. :) That looks like you guys had a lot of fun though! I need to come up and see Axel again. He looks like he's gotten so big!

Tiffani Tarbet said...

Axel is adorable. You have such a cute little family!

The Burks est. 2008 said...

Velvet,,he is so cute!! I want to see him,,,when I'm in Rexburg I'll have to give you a call!!