Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 12 of 12

Yep it is that time of the month again...for 12 of 12 (what were you thinking) aah ha ha ha 
So, here is what you have been missing lately at our house...

1- My morning began to a wake up call of Axel nudging me awake with the words, "Mom, Grady pooped!" That can never be a good sign and it wasn't.  I thought that I was preparing myself for the worst but I wasn't prepared to have to mop my kitchen floor and shampoo my carpet due to my almost two year old having the rocky mountain quickstep BIG TIME.  I will spare you the rest of the gory details.  But I will say that the bissell hand held carpet cleaner is heaven sent and anyone with kids should have one!
2- The regular licking-of-the-Bosch-bowl-session that occurs every time I make something.  This time the batter was brown sugar muffins.
3-The brown sugar muffins as mentioned before.  They are the best!  And a definite contributing factor to my own muffin top!  For good reason since they are divine!
4- Our home-ade podium consisting of the garbage can and the bike pump for the microphone (which even moved up and down).  The purpose of the podium was solely to warm Axel up to the idea of giving his first talk in Primary today but ended up being more fun than expected.  Eli ended up conducting an entire program consisting of: "We would like to welcome everyone out today.  As far as announcements go we will be going to the Malczk's for dinner tonight.  Please bring some peach cobbler.  We will have the opening prayer by Grady and turn the time over to Axel for the lesson."  I was dying laughing.
5-Axel's turn on the podium.  He even had a slip of paper he would unfold to "read" off of.  His "talk" consisted of "and it came to pass Batman and Wolverine fight" or something to that effect.  We closed with a song and a prayer after I gave a "special musical number".  After it was all over, we unanimously agreed that we need a podium for family home evening.  It is a must have after this experience.  
6- The pictures Axe drew for his talk...A CTR shield to stand for what the Holy Ghost helps us do and a smiley face for how we feel when we have the Holy Ghost and a sad face for how we feel when we don't!  He did great on his first primary talk and loved it so much that he had a complete meltdown when we tried to drag him off the podium when his talk was over.  
7- Wolverine using his healing powers on Axel's hurt toe.
8- Playing Batman...Axel's recent superhero obsession
9- The newest additions to our family...bunk beds and a huge yellow slide. We had the brilliant idea to hook the slide to the top bunk and let me tell you the kids haul bum down that baby!  The kids love it and Grady is doing awesome in his big boy bed!
10- Axel's nightly verse reading in his Book of Mormon.  We draw a picture next to the verse after he reads it to help him remember.  He's a boy so naturally he was intrigued with Laban's abrupt end.  
11- Our box of peaches that are the most delicious things ever.  Is it weird that we have been eating them like crazy and still aren't sick of them?  Who buys an entire case of peaches and doesn't can them?  We do!
12- This one catches Grady in the act of taking out his rage on Axel as he is posed to strike him in the head. He often tries to beat on Axe...I remember a time when Grandpa Hubbard came and brought Coke with him.  Axe had a coke and Grady didn't and tried desperately to tackle Axel to the ground to get that Coke.  It was to no avail but you should have seen how red his face got and how loud his grunts of rage were in his attempt.


Lora said...

100% with you on the peaches! We've had three this summer! Yummm. Love this update. So sorry about the morning wake up call. Blechk! Too bad we don't have you for Christmas this year... pretty sure there would be a podium in your Christmas stocking. :)

Katie said...

I love your 12 for 12 posts Vel! You're so ambitious. I hardly ever get my camera out, but I'm so jealous that you're catching all these little moments. Good job! :)

Amber said...

You guys have too much fun! :) absolutely love the podium idea...we might have to try it out!