Friday, October 28, 2011

Grady Turned ONE

On the 23rd of October, Grady turned one year old!! Happy Birthday Grady! We are so happy to be celebrating his first birthday after all he has been through, we didn't think we would be. On that subject, my doc wanted me to see a neurologist before we "officially" took him off of his seizure medication (even though we took him off back in July with no seizures hee hee ) So, I take him to which turns out to be a humorous situation. First of all, he doesn't even bother reading Grady's chart before we got there so has no idea he had been hospitalized or had surgeries. Seriously? We had scheduled the appointment a month in advance and you can't even glance at his history. Anyways, I proceed to tell him the big surgery he had when they removed the frontal bone and washed his brain to which he finally found the notes on the surgery and says, "Now, just to clarify so you know, they didn't actually remove the frontal bone, they insert needles in the area and do a soft rinse." Really buddy is that why he has a scar from ear to ear...from needle marks. Then and there I realized this was a waste of time...especially when he couldn't read the EEG because the writing was too small. Okay that was the whole reason we came is to read the EEG. So, he asks me for another copy...which the doc definitely gave me, not! Grrr! And then I come to the kicker...the most humorous of the entire ordeal. He tells me that Grady's eyes are too far apart..."Does he get that from his dad?" "umm no." I say. "Well, his nose is a bit upturned, but I see that yours is too so he probably just gets that from you." Okay...I wonder where this one is going..."And his fingers are short, does that run in your family?" he asks. "Well, I thought they looked pretty normal." "Okay, well I am going to recommend that you see a genetisist. They specialize in birth defects and syndromes, which those characteristics I mentioned suggests that he has. It is completely separate from the meningitis, he was born with this." WOW! All I can say is WOW! So, apparently he is hitting all his milestones on time if not sooner..(bytheway the toad is walking!) and you are telling me he has some sort of birth defect syndrome because in your opinion his eyes are far apart and his fingers are short. Well, recommend away but I ain't going to no genetisist, so he can do more meaningless tests. It is funny that with the dozens of doctors he has seen up to this point that no one else noticed these apparently prominent characteristics. I was baffled. He proceeded to do a checkup where he was like, "Let me check his back to see if anything is there." What do you expect to find? His spinal cord hanging out? Of course all of the magnitude of what he was saying didn't really sink in until I was walking away. Looking back I have a bagful of things I would've told him. But the best thing I will do is ignore his recommendation to come back and see him every three months. No thanks. If I wanted to hear a quack I would go to the duck pond. ha ha ha and I will end with that cheesy cheesy joke.
Anyways, on the birthday note. My mom and sister came up to celebrate with us. We went out to Famous Dave's (big shocker apparently we find it necessary to take all of our visitors there) and had ice cream cake and presents and games and chatting til late in the night. A great way to celebrate Grady turning ONE!

The boys with their Grandma Pennie.

Axel is obsessed with the pig at Famous Daves. This go around he got more comfortable around him and stomped on his foot and poked him in the eye...and thought it was hilarious. My kid is a bully.

The birthday boy and his dear old dad.

Axe and Me.

My mom and sister Mariah. They loved the pig too...his ribs that is..(evil laugh ha ha ha)

Grady's nose crinkle. He does it all the time and I think it is so cute!

He is enthused with the clothes. Thanks T-Bomb. Looks like Axel is the one that needs em. THe ole shirtless wonder over there.

He loved all his presents...and the wrapping paper..eating it that is.

Trying to suck on the binkie in the wrapper. Mom and Dad knows what gift will get him.

Thanks for the card and money mariah. We had a hard time prying it from his death grip.

Money money money!

And the moment everyone was waiting for...his cake. He took it slow and savored every bite, licking his fingers and all. He probably would've finished the entire thing too.


Lora said...

Yeah for a birthday! And next time... I really do think there should be a next doctor visit, and yes to that very guy, and you can bring Axel along and he can stomp on his foot and poke him in the eye. What a quack! Sooo much of nothing wrong with Grady I can't even believe he had the nerve to bring it up. What a ma-roon. But looks like the birthday was a hit and I really really really want to come to Famous Dave's again with you guys when I can eat everything! I think my mouth is watering. I shall now end the epistle of Lora calling all doctors to repentence for their stupidity. Live long and prosper.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, what a crazy dr. experience!! i know i would've been the same and not thought of anything to say until after the fact. vel, i love the way you write. you always make me laugh. I literally lol when i read about your son being a bully :) and cute litte Grady has gotten so big!! awesome that he's walking! your boys are so cute and looking more and more alike i think. p.s. i always heard that wide-set eyes were a sign of beauty, so i guess they're genes make them beautiful!

Caryn said...

You can't do anything else but laugh at that doctor visit. Seriously - we pay people like that!!! ahhhh! Well, luckily, grady looks adorable to everyone else. So happy that he made it! Happy Birthday!

The Yuan Fam said...

Vel you are SO funny!! I laughed the whole time I was reading this post. SO entertaining. BTW, I was looking at pictures of Grady and I'm pretty sure he had a third leg growing out of his stomach in one of them and in another I think I saw a third eye between those two that the doctor so tactfully said were too far apart. Well that's why doc, there's a third eye there!! Miss your guts and thanks for the adorable booties. He's wearing them right now!!

PS check your email for an invite to our new blog. Had to delete the other one.

scrapnsunny said...

We all know Vel if Grady had wide set eyes, short fingers, and an upturned nose (Tennille always made fun of my "ski slope" but at least a dr never told me I had a "pig nose" lol) you would get rid of him. What a quack job!!! Grady is a sweet angel. Where do you find these dr? I would definately go back in three months because you and I know you love to waste time and out of pocket unnecessary money!!

scrapnsunny said...

BTW, if you want to hear nonsense you could pay me and I could share a whole bunch of nonsense with ya!