Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The everyday

So, I was waiting to blog again cause you not really that much has been happening that is big in news...which no news is good news for us! But then I thought what is to stop me from blogging about the ordinary funny haps at the hubbard's house? So, here goes...mind you the following picture has a bum shot but I couldn't help it... I came in to get Axel from his nap only to my horror to find that he went to town on the walls with crayons. Aaaah After I scrubbed for 20 minutes with soft scrub, alcohol, and every other wierd thing I could think of I went to my sources..my mom and sisters and found the Mr. Clean magic eraser would do the trick. And it does indeed. So, this is my dear hubby cleaning the walls and Axel escaped from the tub and wanted to help scrub walls. Axel grabbed the magic eraser and I grabbed the camera... I tried to get a shot to show how much Grady's hair has grown in but it is pretty light colored but I got a cute smile after bathtime. Such a happy bloke
Another video of Grady laughing at Axel. He loves it every time Axel will talk to him or play with him. Axel is such a good big brother. I can't wait til they can finally play together.


The Burks est. 2008 said...

Love the bum shot, sounds like something I would do too :) Glad you guys are doing good!

Rachael said...

so cute! they're getting so big!

Travis Gregory said...


Caryn said...

oh sheesh! You gotta love the crayon on the walls! It's the every day stuff that really matters right? Great news!!

Lora said...

Love the pictures! So glad there isn't any more "excitement" in your neck of the woods! Bum shot is great.

Tennille said...

Awesome! Glad the crayon came off with the Magic Eraser. Good thing I eavesdrop on other people's conversations. You never know what helpful tip you might pick up!