Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our trip to Oregon

One thing you never want to hear while you are on a road trip....

" Does it still smell like puke back there?"
Other than that Axel did pretty good on our trip. It was about 12 hours and we left in the afternoon so he would sleep at night. He was quite the die hard. Of course we had Mary Poppins playing on the DVD player. Whoever invented that deserves a big fat kiss on the forehead. So, we went to Oregon for Thanksgiving sorry I'm a bit slow on the blog...
One of the rare moments of Axel on the road with his eyes and mouth closed..notice that it is still day time...what a tender mercy!All of us enjoying chinese dinner at PF Changs the night before thanksgiving. What a good looking group.Axel with the prize-winning face that he pulls whenever he sees me pull out my camera. Brinley, Tennille's little girl, looks a lot less camera shy. :)

We got to go to Rosy's wedding. She was a sister missionary in Detroit serving with Eli. They looked so happy. We really dressed up for the reception as you can see. I am the marshmellow on the right. You've gotta love those big ole coats. I had on my Twilight shirt so I was forbidden by Eli to take the coat off. :) (We did look fancier for the actual wedding)

And of course my mom and sisters that were in Oregon at the time..(we missed you lots Sunny) went to New Moon. Mariah got the shirts. I have to say I am not one of those obsessed ladies whom after reading the book, came home to her husband saying I'm going to my mother's house because I need to rethink our relationship since you aren't like Edward. (Don't worry that really happened!) But I like to have fun with my sisters and I like sentimental things so I was in. Yep, that's jacob. It is actually pretty funny. So again for the record, I am very happily married. And I recognize that Edward Cullen along with Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice were just robots sent from the future to destroy womens' perceptions of men. Good times, good times.

And here it is, the award-winning gem...Our beefed up Christmas Card photo. From Our nerdy family to yours. We figured this was the only way to capture our true essence as the goobers we are.


Anonymous said...

Oh Velvet I love you! you are so funny and I smile everytime I read your blog! Christmas Card picture is PRICELESS!!!

Lora said...

Your Christmas card pic will go down in the annals of time. What a couple! Sure was fun having you guys here! my blog:

Tennille said...

Good times...Good times...

Carolyn said...

I like your team Jacob shirts! You all look great! Axel is getting so big!