Thursday, April 28, 2011

and they call the thing a rodeo

It's dust and mud and boots and blood..Good ole Garth. We took the kids to the rodeo at the MSU stadium. Pretty sure we were the only ones there with little tikes. We even heard comments on the way out from the people behind us, "why would you bring kids to the rodeo?" to them I respond, "why the heck not?" It's noisy, dirty, and rowdy which is exactly what a little boy is...a noise with dirt on it!! Axel cried loud a couple times and guess what? no one even noticed because the rodeo was louder than him! It is a beautiful thing really. It isn't like it is church. Gee Whiz! On one occasion Axel got a wild hair and in the blink of an eye grabbed his glasses and flung them into the arena. We were not surprised, boy that kid is unpredictable. We still are convincing him that his glasses are not a toy, it's not an option to wear them, and they are not expendable. So, here is the proof that we actually went on an outing together. Yes, hold on to your hats we actually left the house.


Lora said...

Awesome! that's really odd about the bringing kids to a rodeo thing. I always thought rodeos were a family thing. huh.

The Burks est. 2008 said...

Velvet!! Grady is starting to look so much like Axel. They are so cute! You guys are such a cute little family, and I say why not bring the kids too!! Ha Ha, I brought Taggart to the Grace Rodeo last fall. P.s. it was so good to see you again! Miss you!

Carolyn said...

Glad you got to get out and bring your kids to the rodeo! Fun times!

Travis Gregory said...

Baseball caps! Vel break out the shaps and cowboy hats baby! So glad I got to spend time you guys on Easter! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

cute cute cute!! i bring jett everywhere so i say good on ya! oh and i just googled spring tulips when i found that picture. eh.

Caryn said...

I totally agree. We were planning on leaving early from the last rodeo we went too, but ended up staying through til the end. We couldn't drag ourselves away from such a good kid fit - loud and dirty. Hooray for getting out!!

Aaron and Carolyn said...

We always take our kids to the rodeo. We wanted to sign Todd up for the mutton buston at the dodge circut but by the time he finally hit the age where he was old enough, he was too heavy. Your kids are getting big!