Friday, June 12, 2009

A spoonful of sugar

Lately it's all about Mary Poppins, not animated movies, not other musicals (which I have tried all sorts), not chic flicks (too bad I wouldn't mind putting those in every now and then) ---only Mary Poppins. Axel doesn't even pay attention to me when Mary Poppins is on...heck he barely pays attention to me when Mary Poppins isn't on the big screen. Especially since he is trying to break in his other two front teeth, Mary Poppins seems to be the only thing that makes him happy, so we watch it a lot. I go to bed with the songs in my head and wake up humming them too. My dreams tend to be have real have cartoon. :) Yesterday, I tried to take a nap while Axel was snoozing and couldn't fall asleep because one of her songs kept echoing in my head. You know you've seen it too much when you start picking out all the flaws of a disney movie. And you can not only quote it word for word but have the facial expressions down to an art too. When I got up to bear my testimony last week I kept thinking in my head, "I feel like I'm holding Mary Poppins hand cuz, 'my heart [keeps] beatin' like a big brass band'" Luckily I didn't start off my testimony saying a corny line like that. Then people would really know what a nerd and a goober I really am. But hey, this is my life lately, and I'm still lovin' every minute of it. So, there you are...a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.


Anonymous said...

I love that second looks like he's all by his lonesome, just Axel and Mary.

Tennille said...

Payback is the pits. Drip, drip, drop little April showers. . .

Tiffani Tarbet said...

Velvet, you are so cute! Cameron's favorite thing to watch is Barney, and I go day and night singing those songs over and over in my head. I think I'd rather be singing Mary Poppins! Axel is adorable.

Katie said...

I'm surprised Eli isn't trying to ween him off of Mary Poppins onto Monty Python or something. :) j/k. I guess if he's not crying, that's all that counts right? No matter if you can't sleep because you can't get Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious out of your head. (I totally cut and paste that. :)