Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 12 of 12

May 12 of 12

#1 Hub in his killer apron cookin up our weekend tradition of dutch pancakes.  A perfect start to my Mother's Day!
#2 One reason I LOVE dutch pancakes is because it is the one meal that there is no battle.  We get no objections from Mr. Picky pants himself because this is the meal where he stockpiles for the entire week.  He eats like three pancakes on average.  And this is him putting on the powdered sugar all by himself saying over and over, "I do this!  I do this myself!" 
#3 The surprised look on my face when I opened my Mother's Day gift. 
#4 And now I am showing off my Mother's Day gift of a cotton candy machine.  Oh how well Eli knows me.  I absolutely love cotton candy and he knows that whenever he surprises me with it, it is worth more than a bouquet of imagine what kind of "Velvet Bonus Bucks" an entire machine got him.  It was seriously the best gift ever!
#5 Yeah, the boys love my gift as much as I do.
#6 And there's all the boys in my life in their nice suits.  They make a handsome crew.
#7 I chose to have a stress-free Mother's Day dinner, hence Axel eating cereal.  No fights tonight babe!
#8 We are definitely steak and potatoes people!  I wanted steak, loaded sweet potatoes and a killer chef salad...Texas Roadhouse style.  Oh how we miss you Texas Roadhouse!
#9 Can you see my love of cotton candy in my eyes?
#10 Grades loves to stand while he eats and loves watermelon.  You can tell by his cheesy grin.
#11 Na na na na na na...BIG GUNS!
#12 Captain America taking a bath.  Axel was hilarious to listen to as he was giving Captain America a bath slash drowning him.  Bytheway the figurine is really a dollar store special but to Axel it has played whatever role he wants him to be so he has been Captain Kirk, Iron Man, and now Captain America. 

Here's to the boys that make me a Mom.  I love every minute of being a Mom.  I know that God knew that motherhood was the fastest way and most ideal and perfect setting for me to develop the qualities I will need for eternity.  Those quatlities like patience and humility.  Thank you for teaching me so so many things Axel and Grady. 

1 comment:

The Yuan Fam said...

I miss you!! I hope you're doing well...I love the pics! Go cotton candy.